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  • Forrester Research公司

       时间:2018-04-25 21:48:45     浏览:83    评论:0    
    核心提示:Forrester Research公司简介   Forrester Research公司由George F.Colony于1983年7月创建,1996年11月在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为FORR,首次公开发行2300000股。截至2008年3月31日,Forrester Research公司有员工935人,超过346人是研究的专业人士,2007年营收额为2.12亿美元。  Forrester Research公司是一家独立的技
    Forrester Research公司简介
      Forrester Research公司由George F.colony于1983年7月创建,1996年11月在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为FORR,首次公开发行2300000股。截至2008年3月31日,Forrester Research公司有员工935人,超过346人是研究的专业人士,2007年营收额为2.12亿美元。
      Forrester Research公司是一家独立的技术和市场调研公司,针对技术给业务和客户所带来的影响提供务实和具有前瞻性的建议。在过去的25年当中,Forrester公司已经被公认为思想的领导者和可信赖的咨询商,它通过所从事的研究、咨询、市场活动和高层对等交流计划,帮助那些全球性的企业用户建立起市场领导地位。

      Forrester Research is an independent technology and market research company that provides its clients with advice about technology's impact on business and consumers. Forrester Research has four research centers in the US: Cambridge, Massachusetts; Foster City, California; Washington, D.C.; and Westport, Connecticut. It also has four European research centers in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, and Paris. The firm has nineteen sales locations worldwide. It offers a variety of services including syndicated research on technology as it relates to business, quantitative market research on consumer technology adoption as well as enterprise IT spending, research-based consulting and advisory services, Events, workshops, and teleconferences and executive peer-networking programs.
      Forrester Research was founded in July 1983 by George Forrester colony, now chairman of the board and chief executive officer, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company's first report, "The Professional Automation Report," was published in November 1983. In November 1996, Forrester announced its initial public offering of 2,300,000 shares. In February 2000, the company announced its secondary public offering of 626,459 shares. The company acquired Fletcher Research, a British Internet research firm, in November 1999; FORIT GmbH, a German market research and consulting firm, in October 2000 and Giga Information Group, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based information technology research and consulting company, in February 2003.
    George F.colony, Chairman of the Board, President, and CEOCharles Rutstein, Chief Operating OfficerBrian E. Kardon, Chief Strategy and Marketing OfficerMichael Doyle, Chief Financial OfficerElizabeth Lemons, Chief People OfficerGail S. Mann, Chief Legal Officer And SecretaryGeorge M. Orlov, Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology OfficerDennis van Lingen, Managing Director, Marketing & Strategy Client Group; Chief Europe, Middle East, & Africa OfficerJulie Meringer, Managing Director, Information Technology Client GroupMark R. Nemec, Ph.D., Managing Director, Technology Industry Client Group


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