日内瓦协会是由世界各知名保险公司的首席执行官组成的,会员数量不超过80名。协会的宗旨是整合各种力量,研究保险在全球经济领域中日益突现的重要性,分析保险业发展过程中的重大战略问题,把握发展脉络、预测发展趋势,同时鼓励和支持开展在现代经济环境下关于 风险管理和不确定性的各种研究项目。此外,协会通过举办各种会议,尤其是年度大会为会员提供了一个多视角、世界性的对话与交流的平台。
The Geneva Association was founded under the initiative of a committee which met for the first time in Paris on September 22, 1971. This founding committee was constituted by the following people:
- Mr. Emil Frey, General Manager, Mannheimer Versicherung ;Mr. Georges Martin, President, Royale Belge ;Mr. Ernst Meyer, General Manager, Allianz ;Mr. Fabio Padoa, Administrateur Délégué, Assicurazioni Generali ; andMr. Bernard Pagezy, President, La Paternelle
The Constitutive Assembly of the Geneva Association took place in Paris on February 27, 1973, at the headquarters of La Paternelle . The following companies were represented by their President or CEO: Allianz, Münchener Rück, Aachener & Münchener, and Victoria for Germany; Commercial Union, Royal and Mercantile & General for the United Kingdom; Erste Allgemeine for Austria; Royale Belge for Belgium; UAP, AGF, Paternelle, Préservatrice and SAFR for France; Generali, RAS, Reale Mutua, INA and Fondiaria for Italy; Nationale Nederlanden for the Netherlands, and the Swiss Re for Switzerland.
The Geneva Association was established in 1973 for the purpose of promoting economic research in the sector of risk and insurance.
Today, the Geneva Association has 80 members from 14 countries in Europe, 4 countries in North and South America, 3 countries in Asia, and 1 country in Oceania. Its members are the chief executive officers of insurance companies in the world and they are members in a personal capacity. The maximum number of members is limited to eighty. Applications of new members shall be examined by the Board of Directors at the proposal of the President and, if recommended, be submitted to the General Assembly for approval by majority vote.