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  • Expiration Cycle

       时间:2018-04-25 23:32:15     浏览:70    评论:0    
    核心提示:The calendar cycle of expiration months that is assigned to basic exchange-traded stock options. With a few exceptions , most equity options are set up to trade with expiration months in one of the following three formats:January Cycle: Expirations in Jan

    The calendar cycle of expiration months that is assigned to basic exchange-traded stock options. With a few exceptions , most equity options are set up to trade with expiration months in one of the following three formats:

    January Cycle: Expirations in January, April, July, October

    February Cycle: Expirations in February, May, August, November

    March Cycle: Expirations in March, June, September, December

    Taobiz explains Expiration Cycle
    Some options may have contracts in every month of the year, but this is usually reserved for highly liquid underlying securities, such as ETFs on the S&P 500. Options such as these are often used to hedge a portfolio and, because they represent a basket of stocks, the security is more stable. The strike prices tend to hold up better as a result.

    With single stock options, a given strike price that once seemed valuable can quickly become obsolete, such as a $25 strike price in a call option on a stock that drops suddenly from $27 to $15 over the course of a month.

    LEAPS are not subject to standard expiration cycles because they are derivative contracts that are one year or more away from expiration.


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