核心提示:英文名称:Proxy 中文名称:代理委托书"公司的一名股东授权另一股东或管理人员代表其在股东年度大会上投票表决的正式授权文件。e.g. As we argued on Monday, we use the ""other foreign assets"" line on the PBOC's balance sheet as a proxy to measure the volume of foreign exchange used to pay
英文名称:Proxy 中文名称:代理委托书 "公司的一名股东授权另一股东或管理人员代表其在股东年度大会上投票表决的正式授权文件。 e.g. As we argued on Monday, we use the ""other foreign assets"" line on the PBOC's balance sheet as a proxy to measure the volume of foreign exchange used to pay for RRR hikes. "